I heard a lot of good things about Midwest Drupal Camp (MidCamp) throughout the years. I also had the chance to follow Avi Schwab sharing best practices from it at various events. It is one of the real model events. I never had a chance to attend unfortunately.
In 2020, due to the ongoing pandemic, they did not have the opportunity to run the camp as usual. While that is sad, they decided to turn it around entirely and made MidCamp all digital and free to attend. This means you and I can attend finally and not just admire the event from afar! Let's do that! There is no registration or tickets required anymore, so sign up for details via email, or keep up on the site.
Great Drupal 9 content
While there are lots of great sessions to participate in, I am really excited about the Drupal 9 content. Presentations will be streamed over Zoom with links being provided later in the week.
- Mike Lutz of Four Kitchens will be presenting Preparing custom and contributed code for Drupal 9 at 7pm to 7:30pm UTC on Thursday March 19, 2020.
- Right after that Dan Montgomery of Palantir.net will be presenting Automate Drupal 9 upgrades: Addressing deprecated code as a community at 7:45pm to 8:45pm UTC on Thursday March 19, 2020.
Let's get contributing
Following sessions on Thursday and Friday, there will be a virtual contribution day on Saturday from 3pm to 9pm UTC. I am really excited about these three contribution topics and would love to see you join in them! I will swap a workday out this week with Saturday to participate in this event and still have personal time for my family while they all stay at home due to the pandemic.

- Working on automation rules to fix deprecation issues in Drupal 8 projects. This is the practical application of Dan Montgomery's session. Dan and Ofer Shaal will be available and lead this topic. Rector saves a lot of manual work by automating code upgrades from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9. The immediate goal is to create Rector rules for the 15 most popular deprecations. Those 15 rules will cover 50% of all Drupal deprecations so a lot less manual work would be needed!
- Work on contributed project Drupal 9 compatibility. Applying the above tooling combined with manual work to make contributed projects compatible with Drupal 9. Mike Lutz will be leading this topic. I would also love to help anyone interested. I maintain the overview of contributed project readiness on dev.acquia.com (thanks for the source data to the Drupal Association), which can be used to find what to work on effectively.
- Improve the proposed new Drupal 9 default frontend theme Olivero. Various members of the team will be available to work on outstanding issues for the proposed new Olivero frontend theme. Putra Bonaccorsi, Aubrey Sambor and Brian Perry indicated they would be there.
Contribution will be coordinated on Slack I believe, more information to come later this week. Sign up for details via email, or keep up on the site. See you (virtually) there!